Waterproof Wireless Doorbell from MO Direct- Review
Since I moved into my home a little over a year ago, we decided to put our bedroom in the room that is right off of my living room. This put me right next to the front door.I could hear someone if they were to knock and even see them out of my bedroom window. I spend a LOT of time in my bedroom... thanks to chronic pain (as I'm sure you all know by now). So, this was and still is VERY convenient for me. However, while I sit in the front of the home, the back of the home sometimes goes unnoticed or unheard. This is bad because where businesses and strangers come to the front... my friends all went to the back door. I would miss them knocking.. every time.
Well.. not anymore! Because now? I have the Waterproof Wireless Doorbell from MO Direct on Amazon! Woohoo! Now, I can hear it all through my home. We mounted the button on the outside of my back door. Then we pluggedin the receiver end, in my hallway. I figured that would allow enough sound travel for it to be heard throughout the entire house. Boy, was I right! Wow! Loud as ever (refer to video)! The receiver also has a very bright, blue, L.E.D. light ring around the center circle for visual noticing. This could be a good indicator for the hearing impaired, as my daughter and I both get frequent infections! Very convenient!
The best part about the Waterproof Wireless Doorbell from MO Direct on Amazon is that it has thirty two different chimes/tunes to choose from. All ranging from a knock, someone saying "hello?!", normal doorbell chime, classic jingles, classical music and even holiday music! The vast variety makes it great around special occasions; there's one for nearly every event!
It's made of a very durable plastic that looks to be easy to clean. The button piece does take lithium batteries and comes with some alredy installed.

The price of this will truly knock you off of your feet! It's under $20 and very worth it.
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Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below! Please don't forget to share, like, follow! Oh! And if you would like to jump on some free samples fpund across the net.. just hop on over to The New Review and get to form filling! Thanks again! Come back soon!
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