INNX Cat Ball Toy Review

Wrapped in rope, with a rattle inside and a feather tail to go with it. It still doesn't seem to be enough for my smalls cats.. but maybe it is with your larger ones! The vibrant colors and tail seem to attract a tad bit of attention, the rope allows for claws to latch on well and it's tail flips and spins to create a visual 'top toy' effect when spun. Spinning it also seems to help attract their attention as well.

 INNX is a pretty decent brand, from what I can tell so far. The seat covers and dog barrier that I have are above expectations. However, this little Cat Ball Toy, doesn't as much. I have concerns for its safety as well as size. It seems a little too large for any cat to even find enjoyment in it. Where mine try, its size causes it to barely budge and unfortunately, this bores my cats way too easily.

The fact that there is a plastic piece around the feathers and that it seems to all be held together with hot glue, concerns me though. If you have any cat advice on whether this is ok for cats or not... please leave it in the comments below. As I'm sure I am not selling you too well on this (because I honestly do not recommend it), if you decide you enjoy it anyway and would like to try it out for yourself, just click on the highlighted labels or click the link below!

Thank you for watching and I apologize that the product that I have provided this round, is not what we were hoping it would be! If you have a different opinion on this exact toy, again, feel free to leave it in the comments below. Please share with your friends and don't forget to like/subscribe/follow!


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