Music and Devices... especially Bluetooth ones!

I've been away for a bit... and for that, I apologize.
Since my blog and myself have been a bit of a bore thus far, I have decided to try and take a different angle with all of this.
So today, I want to know a few things about music. But first... let me tell you something cool:
Music can be quite therapeutic by allowing an individual to either express themselves or by giving people a place to mentally escape. Others like music because they feel a connection to the lyrics being sang. They most likely understand where the singer is coming from and feel comfortable knowing that they are not alone. For whatever reason yours is.. just try to enjoy it how you deem fit.
Ahh yes.. those questions. Comment your answers to the following questions in the comment section below:
  1. What is your favorite song?/Why?
  2. Will you listen to it around your friends? Or is it "your little secret"?
  3. What device do you use to listen to it?
  4. Do you use an app or do you prefer classic ways of listening (i.e. cassette, CD, Tv, record player, instrument, radio, etc.)
  5. Do you use speakers/headphones? Are they classic wired or are they Bluetooth?
  6. Finally, Where/when do you love to listen to your favorite tunes when you relax?
Yes. I'm ACTUALLY curious as to what everybody's answers are; I love to see variety and doing this also introduces me to new songs/artists for myself!
What's that? You want to know mine? Aww. How swee.... What's that? Oh. You don't. Psh.
Tough. I'm going to tell you anyway! 😀
Personally, I like a variety of music. So, try not to get too weirded out by all of the following.
  1. At the current time, my favorite song is "Nights" by Snow Tha Product [this is not my content, nor do I claim any rights to it.. it is only for purpose of reference]. I have NO IDEA if I am allowed to do that like that.. but dang it, I'm going to try! Anyway, my reasoning for liking this song is that I feel that (in my own way) I can relate to it and many other of her songs.
  2. I will most definitely listen to it around my friends. That is, unless they do not like that type of music.
  3. As of devices, I normally listen to mine off of my phone. It's portable and easy to use. Plus it connects to many different other devices.
  4. Music apps are the easiest to use... so that is what I use the most. I do occasionally listen to other devices such as the Tv, radio, cassette. Honestly though, it's rare.
  5. When no one else is home, I always use my big house speakers... but when others are home and I am trying to clean house, they are doing other things and I want my music. So I grab my SoulSoundMagic Bluetooth Earbud (1) Mini-S (pictures below) that I have. It's pretty amazing. It lasts for several hours but definitely works it's best when fully charged. I do have a pair of wired headphones for backup though.
  6. The best place, in my opinion, to listen to music is on a road trip. We all take them. Unfortunately for some, like me, we do not. So slapping in a set (or single) headphones to soothe the ride.. helps!
So there you have it! I hope you enjoyed the new approach. Please answer below and don't forget to +1, share and follow! Thanks for reading!


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