Welcome to 'The New Review'

Hello Everyone! I am your site creator and only administrator (until further notice). The name's Gaia and welcome to my weird, open, honest world of the different name brand products that we (as humans) use every day. When I receive the opportunity to try something new, this is where I plan to share it with you all! I will be letting you know which site I obtained it from, where you can get it, my thoughts on the product and more! From time to time I will also post/share some of the sweepstakes, freebies and samples that I find while browsing the world wide web. Unfortunately, until further notice, I am not capable of throwing my own sweeps nor handing out freebies. That is not what I do here. I am simply sharing the fun things and goodies that I do find on other sites and letting you know my thoughts on the products that I use.
 Feel free to use any of the links I provide. Also, please let me know if you try one of my links and they don't work for you, so that I can remove it before others have the same issues! If you know of any deals or anything that I may have missed, I will soon have a section where subscribers can share with each other also! Rude comments, name calling and other such dramatic occurrences will not be approved for posting. If you have something to say about a product that is negative, please just leave a comment that explains why. There is no need for arguing and name calling since we all have different preferences and opinions when it comes to different products. I would like for my blog to stay as "real" as possible. The last thing that I want is for my subscribers to think that I am just like every other ass-kissing reviewer when I'm not. If I get angry with a company, product, item... I WILL speak my truest, realest, most honest opinion of said product; if I deem it necessary. This, however, is not to be mistaken as if I'm saying that I will just bash a product online either. It's being stated to simply let everyone know to not expect some prissy, ad-perfect, charm of a woman because that is NOT what I am and that is not what I am here for. Companies, customers, fans and just everyday, average fans.. want people that are going to be real. They deal with these things regularly and no one wants to hear the same nice things over and over again. It's pretty obvious when someone does something JUST to get credit for it. Well, I do it because I want the best products that money can buy when I buy products with my damn money! LOL! You?
Ok, ok... I keep trailing off of subject and changing topics; I'll stop. I just want everyone who subscribes to know what to and not to expect! Enjoy and Thank You for Subscribing!


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